
twilight series


16 year(s) ago

i know that at my school the twilight series is very big but i just want to know what you think of it? there are a lot of guys reding this book at my school and i two have read it but many people classify it as a girls book. what are your thoughts about it? i youth pastor is reading the series and he is a guy! what are you thoughts on the series or an individual book? oh and stephenie meyer IS writing midnight sun!


16 year(s) ago

[color=#9A9C02][i][b]I love the twilight books. I only read the first one and I'm in a 50,000 people line to get the next one from my library. [/b][/i][/color] :side:


16 year(s) ago

You should DEFINITELY read it,they're AMAZING!! Vampires,Werewolves,Clumsy Girls... What more could you want:laugh:


16 year(s) ago

im sorry but i do not like the series except the first one mainly because in the second book it she goes against heaven and things like that and in the fourth book there are alot of sexual content. I feel that it is something that us as christians need not to read but if you have that is fine but that is my opion. jcp

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