
Young Writers\' Literary Journal


16 year(s) ago

The Young Writers Literary Journal is now available for purchase! While none of my work is present in the Journal, there are several amazing stories and poems by authors ranging in ages from 13 to 23. I know some of these writers personally, and trust me, they're really good! You can buy it here: [url]http://www.lulu.com/content/2107842[/url] It was put together by the owner of the Young Writers Society: [url]http://www.youngwriterssociety.com[/url] which I am a member of. It will be on Amazon.com within the next couple of weeks but if you buy it from Lulu (the above link) we will get more revenue, and the authors could possibly get paid. We need to sell around 200 copies to break even, so if you are interested in this please buy one! Please pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested. If this is big enough we will be putting together another one either in the summer or winter. If you are interested in how you could submit artwork, poetry, or stories to the Journal, just message me and I will tell you all that I know. If you have any questions about the Journal or the web site, just send me a message and I will answer them to the best of my ability!

Post edited by: Lilgreenmouse, at: 2008/03/27 10:02

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