Manibusan .
Thank you for the connection request :)
Manibusan .
Selfie Art. Title: "Fracking" My personal commentary on what happens to the earth. This is the real price of oil and gas.
Manibusan .
Selfie Art. Title: "A.I. Keep A Lid On It." My personal commentary on what happens when man plays God. It gets out of control and turns into chaos.
Manibusan .
Selfie art. My personal commentary on the burning and destruction of the Amazon Rainforest. It is a breathing living place, a vital one, we need to take care of. Otherwise, as with other places, it will die as will the creatures and plantlife that call it home.
Kathi (Admin)
Welcome to the myPraize community Manibusan! Looking forward to seeing you around!