amber west
Hey me!!!! Its me!!!!!!! 8)
amber west
This is AMber!!!!! ROCK ON!!!!! jhsdjkfghghgfh :D
amber west
Your a marine core wife? lol :?:
amber west
Hey,,,,I'm here talking to you for the Gym Fan (at school) a.k.a. your b/f!!!!!
He says that he wuvs you quite a bit and thinks that your nice cream! (just like ice cream)
have a nice day!
p.s. that'll be $55!!!!! Thankx. :roll:
Alex Harris
remember??? um let's see.............oh yeah!!! and I quote "ICE CREAM IS NICE CREAM!!!" -Amber West 10/1/06 :lol:
Alex Harris
KISS A CAT!!! :x (AND UR ALERGIC) :wink:
amber west
WAZ UP??? Apeace out, yo fuzzzzzzzz-butt whats cracklating??!!
-amber(fuzzy) :roll:
amber west
write, write, write, write, im riting on YOUR wall! :shock:
amber west
shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! this is a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE secrect!!!!!!!
hi :!:
Alex Harris
Woo hoo!! u rox my soxs amber!!! :lol:
Alex Harris
BOB's butt luvz u!!! and you luv fuz butt and butt fuz!!! :wink: