In[b] [i]The Lord of the Rings -The Two Towers[/i][/b], there is a scene that really drives home the point of our dependence on God. The king (Theoden) is talking to one of his advisors (Aragorn). Even though Theoden's army is surrounded and out numbered. Aragorn tells him, "Let’s ride out and meet the enemy head on”. Aragorn had been told by a mutual friend (Gandalf) that he would join Theoden in the defense of his domain. But Aragorn does not tell this to Theoden. Theoden agrees to ride out. As they are riding out, Theoden looks at the mountains that are surrounding them, and sees Gandalf approaching with an army. Theoden's hope is revived and he wins the battle.
The impact of this scene is the fact that they stepped out by faith into the battle and seemingly, out of nowhere, their help arrived just in time. The Psalmist David sometimes felt that God was far from him. From a young age he found himself in situations that seemed overwhelming. During his life he was pursued by Saul, because Saul wanted to keep his kingship, he faced Philistines, lions and other wild animals. More than once he found himself as the underdog. Those watching him facing the giant alone must have thought he was losing his mind, as well as his head.
David, however, saw things from a different view, because he trusted in God. We see this in prayers that he wrote. In the 22nd Psalm David gives us a peek into his humanity when he cries out to God, “[b]Do not stay so far from me, for trouble is near, and no one else can help me”[/b] (v.11). We often see David as a mighty warrior, could it be that he had feelings of insecurity? Then why do we see him as being a mighty man of God? He was a man of God and not a man of himself.
David also wrote,
[b]“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” [/b]Ps 46:1.
[b]“Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help!”[/b] Ps 55:1
[b]“Please, God, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me.” [/b]Ps 70:1
David had his ups and downs like anyone, but he always knew that God would never leave him without help. David, even with his problems, knew where his help came from.
King David never saw [b][i]The Lord of The Rings[/i][/b], but he knew where his help came from. [b]“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.”[/b] – Psalms 121:1-2
Are you going through a time when you need help? If so just call out to God He will aswer you.
Here is a short clip to show what inspired me to do this devotional.
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