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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/gangsta-gangsta31
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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samantha frost
samantha frost
samantha frost
amanda layland
sam guess out of all people who has a mypraize ALEX dumb behind has one she is in my group ed white reps i think u r apart of the group but im not sure well i gtg bye sis luv yas :x
samantha frost
samantha frost
MAKE OUT BUDDY There is at least one person on your Myprazie list that wants to make out with you. So lets play the make out game. The rules are simple: If you want to make out with the person who posts this then send them a message saying \"i would do it\". (dont worry, no one will tell) SCARED? lol this is hilarious! The twist is YOU HAVE TO RE-POST THIS and see who replies. There is at least one person on your Myspace list that wants to make out with you, so repost this as MAKE OUT BUDDY
samantha frost
MAKE OUT BUDDY There is at least one person on your Myprazie list that wants to make out with you. So lets play the make out game. The rules are simple: If you want to make out with the person who posts this then send them a message saying \"i would do it\". (dont worry, no one will tell) SCARED? lol this is hilarious! The twist is YOU HAVE TO RE-POST THIS and see who replies. There is at least one person on your Myspace list that wants to make out with you, so repost this as MAKE OUT BUDDY
samantha frost
kool gurl so wat u been up too on here? :shock:
amanda layland
im good tooo just chilling at my house till we go to hannahs house
samantha frost
:D nothin much and u amandaboo :shock:
amanda layland
wats up samma boo :D :) :shock: :cry: :x :lol: 8) :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :(
samantha frost
all about me
samantha frost
this me again
samantha frost
hi its me :D

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