why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
me on Christmas!!!
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
another pic of my dad wrestlin'
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
the rough side of my dad, the wrestler!
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
me and my dog
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
my dad while we were at universal
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
national champions!! 2006!!
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
takin' a road trip!!
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
Emmitt Smith's helmet!
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
florida gator coach Urban Meyer
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
can you spot detwiler???
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
we miss joe!! :(
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
me and my bestest frind of all
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)
gotts to love jordin!
why do you want to know??? (its ashley, btw)