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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/genuine123
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Andrea Fuentes
Fernando Lopez
hi ur page is nice!!!! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: well cya :wink:
Andrea Fuentes
hope yall hav fun, sry i didnt go :D
Noemi Orsini
hey y did u get out of xianz?
jasmine orsini
sry just upset today please forgive mii well c u tommorow ok bring miii glasses ♥ bub
jasmine orsini
sry just upset today please forgive mii well c u tommorow ok bring miii glasses ♥ bub
geraldyn ruiz
hey i just found out that ur name is boo lol and jasmine is bub an dwell i have no wvecome bubba lol. well umm yeha just wanted to let u kno heheh ok i c u on saturday love y amuahz. ♥ bubba
geraldyn ruiz
hey andrea i was wondering if on sunday u could bring ur cd's 2 church an dlet me borrow them. an di give em bac to u on wednesday. plz plz plz. well get bac to me if u get a chance if not call me k tnx. love ya bunches muahz bye.
Noemi Orsini
HeYz!!wats good?!?! :!: :?: nm here..just bein bord :(..oh luv the page!! :) ... any who...yea we havent talked much man ya got to write to me!!...LOL...any wayz...i'll ttyl luv ya byez!xoxox0x0x0xoo...MUAHz!
Andrea Fuentes
i did say good by
Andrea Fuentes
heyyyyyyy how ya doin??? we havent talked in like days.... so rite back!! *much luv* :)
jasmine orsini
what did i do to you u just left without sayin goood buy dang :cry: :x :x :x :x
Andrea Fuentes
hey can u change my page agen pleaz?????? thanx :D
Noemi Orsini
LOL...yeah dont worry it still has black in it...lol..i thot u didnt want me to have so muck black in my page :wink: ..lol.. so ha...jejeje....well c ya soon luvz ya...MUAHz!!!!xox0x0x0xoxo..
Andrea Fuentes
from white 2 black hmmmmmm......... that kinda makes me worry about u

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