People buy rare Bibles for sale driven by varied reasons. Some may plan to procure a rare Bible that can be passed down generations as an heirloom. Others could buy one as an investment or give it away as a gift.
Whatever be your reason for buying antique Bibles for sale, it will be wise to know about certain factors to ensure you understand what you are buying and can negotiate a better deal.
From folio Bibles and quarto bibles to octavo Bibles, old Bibles for sale are available in different sizes. If more than one size is available for your chosen Bible, you need to decide the one you want to buy. Knowing about the collation is also crucial as it lets you decide the version or edition of the Bible and whether any of its pages are missing.
Old and rare Bibles for sale often have extra features that make them collector?s items. Be it pictorial depictions, marginal notes, woodcut illustrations, calendars showing important holy days, or optional maps, old Bibles often have various special features, knowing which will help you ensure your copy has them.
Being aware of such additional features also makes you an informed buyer, thus letting you stay safe from dubious sellers and those out to make a quick buck at your ignorance?s expense.
Rare Bibles for sale are always hardcover. They are usually bound in various types of leather over wooden boards. As the binding of these books wasn?t designed to be durable enough to last for centuries, you will notice that several antique Bibles for sale have been rebound or re-backed.
Sometimes, the original boards are retained and reused when an old and rare Bible is rebound. But it?s pretty rare to locate an antique Bible in its original binding.
Now that you know what to look for when negotiating a deal and buying rare Bibles for sale, go out there or log in to your chosen dealer?s site and bring home the desired Bible.
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