
Spiritual warfare - Attacking the enemy

A call to war

Brothers and sisters!
I think we've been for a long time indifferent to the torrents of souls just pouring into hell, and to the demons raping, corrupting and murdering people. I think it's time to stand up against this death grip that the forces of hell has upon humanity and the indifference and resistance of man to the plans of God! The majority of mankind is going to hell and what are we doing about it?! How many souls are suffering every single day from things that God has the answer to? How many are the demon opressed people? And how many of God's sheep live in bondage and fear? How many souls raped and murdered on the altars of the satanic world mafia?
Time is short! It is time that we let go of judging our differences and join as one body, the body of Christ and do something about the world's condition. Where are your hearts? What about the final prayer of Jesus that we should be one as Jesus and the Father are one? So that the world will know that He sent Jesus (John 17:21-23 ). It is time we give light and water to the withered, life and hope for the dying.
There may come a day when christianity will fall away from the earth, but it is not today. Today we stand and fight, today we rise and face the giants, fight for what's right, for the lost souls, for the oppressed and beaten.
Fight on with me against this demon scourge! Now for wrath, now for their ruin, for the world ending, and a red dawn! For Jesus! For The King!