
Christian Singles Retreats

Godly encouragement for those of us who are on our own. A place where Christians and Messianic Jews who believe that Jesus / Yeshua is Messiah (Christ) can meet and encourage each other in their faith and walk with the LORD.
We offer:

  • monthly online retreats to meet each other (from all over the world)
  • weekend in-person retreats in 16 countries worldwide (see www.ChristianSinglesRetreats.net)
  • a free e-Magazine called "Stronger Together" (see www.ChristianSinglesRetreats.net/news). Issues include "Welcome", "Alone", "Missions", "Hope". If you would like a voice, feel free to contribute an article (<500 words).
  • one-on-one prayer and encouragement
  • discipleship

Connect with us today!