God give thee good day, masters and mistresses!
Purpose: The purpose of this group is to connect with people who share a passion and highly value Christian live action role-playing, experiential and interactive theatre, narrative adventures, and story-based education as a medium for evangelism, missions, biblical teaching, and individual, team, and family building.
Platform: This is a platform to exchange ideas, knowledge, and resources, to support and sponsor, and perhaps, to come together as believers to create and perform this very unique and under-used form of dramatic ministry.
Personal Testimony: When my wife taught 7th grade English in Burbank, California, I was invited to be a chaperone for her school when they attended the Renaissance Pleasure Faire. I loved the experience. And I hated it. I enjoyed the world of make-believe, being transported to another time and place. The sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and entertainment and activities were wondrous! Yet, the faire had very clear tones of paganism, witchcraft, revelry, impropriety, immodesty, and bawdy humor. It was at this time that I began to develop ideas for historically-based programs that were Christ-centered, educational, and glorifying to God.
Since then, I have directed various forms of guided role-plays using different time periods for Christian schools, vacation Bible schools, homeschool groups, summer camps, and overseas missions. I am thoroughly convinced that this form of ministry is effective and engaging for children, youth, and adults alike!
Currently, I am a Christian school teacher of English, Spanish, and music, in the Eastern Sierras of California. My wife is a public high school English teacher, and our daughter is a student at BIOLA University. We are YWAMers (Youth With A Mission), and have enjoyed short term missions in Mexico, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Zealand, and Belarus.
For more examples, although not up to date, please see my website: https://kingsfool.com/
I bid thee farewell, most excellent saints called by the Most High God!