The purpose of this group is to facilitate fellowship, prayer, encouragement, and ministry between myPraize members residing in the state of Minnesota (USA). This is a place for the Minnesota-based myPraize community to support and encourage one another by discussing challenges, sharing victories, and talking through questions and issues of Minnesota life.
Please do not simply repost links to other content (i.e. posts from other pages, images, articles from websites, etc.) without at least adding some personal commentary of your own as to why that particular piece of content speaks to you personally.
***** This group is NOT the place to recruit people for your business opportunity. We respect network marketing (MLM) as a business model. What we do not respect is the horrible sales and marketing training that many organizations employ that encourages people to obnoxiously bombard anyone they have the slightest connection to with poor sales tactics. Those types of organizations tend to manipulate their sales forces into very fleshly mindsets, making it more difficult for folks to walk in the spirit. Don't do that here. *****
That said, if you want to post about traditional job opportunities or housing opportunities for Minnesota residents, those are welcome here in this group.
We should be encouraging and ministering to one another here in this group. By the way, that does not mean you should practice your preaching here either. You can create your own website/blog for free at and preach/teach to your heart's content there. So please refrain from doing so here.
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling." - 1 Peter 4:8-9 (NKJV)