
Bands & Solo Artists

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Mark Wakefield
1 month ago
Edited 1 month ago
I'm a solo musician up here in Canada. I wrote this song several years ago (not 3 weeks ago). Its a commentary about a man reflecting on his own sin and Christian hypocrisy. In other words his professed devotion to God but continued sinful behavior and how this can harm others who look to Christians for an example of people who live a saved life and yet see them behaving badly.
I'm a solo musician up here in Canada. I wrote this song several years ago (not 3 weeks ago). Its a commentary about a man reflectRead More
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Jeremiah Raines
2 months ago
Edited 2 months ago
I have started making some more professional sounding recordings of the songs I've written. They are still a work in process. Downloads of the songs are FREE. https://www.onlyjesuschristcansaveme.com/
I have started making some more professional sounding recordings of the songs I've written. They are still a work in process. DownRead More
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Beth Anderson
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago
I've played in different bluegrass groups with my hisband over the years playing guitar and upright bass, hubby can play almost any stringed instrument but is favorite is banjo.. At this time we are not in any band
I've played in different bluegrass groups with my hisband over the years playing guitar and upright bass, hubby can play almost anRead More
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Allan Hewitt
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago
Hi Mike, My name is Al Hewitt. My wife and I form Spirit Bound Ministry. Two old folks singing, preaching, and praising the Lord. Here's an original based on my testimony. https://youtu.be/klztIPSCETQ
Hi Mike, My name is Al Hewitt. My wife and I form Spirit Bound Ministry. Two old folks singing, preaching, and praising the Lord. Read More
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Daniel Riffe
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Musicians wanted

Hello, I am the songwriter and bassist for the Christian rock band Tattooed Saints. We are now in need of a serious drummer and also a female vocalist. We do our own material, but do covers of praise and worship. We are out of the Lyndonville Vermont area. anyone interested?

Hello, I am the songwriter and bassist for the Christian rock band Tattooed Saints. We are now in need of a serious drummer and a… Read More
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Content Rejected
Michael Brown
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
I am fairly new to online social media, so please bear with me. I write Christian music & would like to collaborate with some singers to make some awe inspiring & Spirit filled music. I have recently completed a Christian musical play that has a lot of depth to the music & plot. The challenge is...I am not a quality vocalist. Would anyone like to find out more ? Not sure how this works yet. Will check back later.
I am fairly new to online social media, so please bear with me. I write Christian music & would like to collaborate with somRead More
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Content Rejected
Mike Wolf
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
Matthew 6:1 to a little music
falseRead More
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Content Rejected
Mike Wolf
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
If all musical instruments sounded alike, how would you know the difference between a flute and a harp? (1 Corinthians 14:7 CEV)
falseRead More
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Content Rejected
Mike Wolf
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
ABUSE is ABUSE, whatever shape it takes, share the gospel, ONLY Jesus can put an end to it
falseRead More
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Content Rejected
Mike Wolf
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
My latest single i just set up for distribution this morning, consider it a musical testimony...
falseRead More
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Content Rejected
Mike Wolf
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
Hi, I am Mike Wolf, I set this up to connect with other Christian musicians, bands, solo artists, live performers, studio musicians, hobby musicians, all are welcome,
Hi, I am Mike Wolf, I set this up to connect with other Christian musicians, bands, solo artists, live performers, studio musicianRead More
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  • Mike Wolf here is my most recent single, and FYI, it's about Jesus not about the Money, my wife and me are footing the bill as best we can, God willing, to date, i have spent thousands and earned $0.12 last time i checked, talk about your labor of love now huh!, praise his glorious name https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-I-Love-You/dp/B0797Y…
    7 years ago
Content Rejected
Bands & Solo Artists
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
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Mark Wakefield
I'm a solo musician up here in Canada. I wrote this song several years ago (not 3 weeks ago). Its a commentary about a man reflecting on his own sin and Christian hypocrisy. In other words his professed devotion to God but continued sinful behavior and how this can harm others who look to Christians for an example of people who live a saved life and yet see them behaving badly.
Jeremiah Raines
I have started making some more professional sounding recordings of the songs I've written. They are still a work in process. Downloads of the songs are FREE. https://www.onlyjesuschristcansaveme.com/
Beth Anderson
I've played in different bluegrass groups with my hisband over the years playing guitar and upright bass, hubby can play almost any stringed instrument but is favorite is banjo.. At this time we are not in any band
Allan Hewitt
Hi Mike, My name is Al Hewitt. My wife and I form Spirit Bound Ministry. Two old folks singing, preaching, and praising the Lord. Here's an original based on my testimony. https://youtu.be/klztIPSCETQ
Daniel Riffe
Musicians wanted
JJ LaTourelle
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 442px;" src=" https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=3133602…" seamless><a href=" Not Put Out, by J.J. LaTourelle">Not Put Out by J.J. LaTourelle</a></iframe>
Michael Brown
I am fairly new to online social media, so please bear with me. I write Christian music & would like to collaborate with some singers to make some awe inspiring & Spirit filled music. I have recently completed a Christian musical play that has a lot of depth to the music & plot. The challenge is...I am not a quality vocalist. Would anyone like to find out more ? Not sure how this works yet. Will check back later.
Mike Wolf
Matthew 6:1 to a little music
Mike Wolf
If all musical instruments sounded alike, how would you know the difference between a flute and a harp? (1 Corinthians 14:7 CEV)
Mike Wolf
ABUSE is ABUSE, whatever shape it takes, share the gospel, ONLY Jesus can put an end to it
Mike Wolf
My latest single i just set up for distribution this morning, consider it a musical testimony...
Mike Wolf
Hi, I am Mike Wolf, I set this up to connect with other Christian musicians, bands, solo artists, live performers, studio musicians, hobby musicians, all are welcome,
Bands & Solo Artists