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Anna Patterson
Hi! I am new to myPraize. I wanted to share my favorite spiritual warfare scripture. This verse has had me in awe of God since first learning it. What an awesome purpose and calling we have in Jesus Christ!
Cathy Maziarz
Hi! I am new to myPraize and I came upon your site! I am prior military... and a teacher... so I am constantly telling my students to put on the armor of God! Anyways.... I noticed you are an author and I just checked out your books! Awesome! I am a writer on a journey to get published. If you have any advice I would appreciate it. Thanks! God Bless! Keep fighting the good fight!
bob mitchell
Hi I hope you will check out my books. God bless. (paid link) https://amzn.to/36zaTmq
Cindy Anton
Spiritual Warfare
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