Alicia Cooper
It's Rootbeer! I swear!!!!
Alicia Cooper
my room.i'm leaning against the door
Alicia Cooper
at Tala Game Reserve in South Africa!!!
Alicia Cooper
only the 4 most amazing people eva!!!
Alicia Cooper
fun times at myrtle beach
Alicia Cooper
the tomboy.the drama queen.& the southern be
LAW Johnston
ummm yeah... lol how u doin cuz??? Are u gnna come down here this summer??? or stay at school? Cuz i know Grandma wants u 2 come!!! thats 4 sure... lol
Anyways just wanted 2 say hey and 2 tell u 2 go look at my profile i uploaded some pics and stuff......
Love ya,
Alicia Cooper
Oooooo!!! I\'m your 500th profile view!!!! :D :lol: :D Too bad you won\'t see this for like a whole month, cuz you are never on!!!! :x
Lynne Johnston
My fave Icia ever!!!!!!! :D So i was reading that name game/war that Michael and I were having. haha, that was funny!!! :lol: I\'m writing to say that I love you. You are sooo special to me, and I don\'t know what I\'d do without you!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Lynne Johnston
do you even know how many smilies are on your wall? DON\'T COUNT\'ll get old!!! So you\'re on wiz! I love you!!! and you need to comment my wall. i haven\'t had a new one in 10 whole days!!!! :cry:
Lynne Johnston
Icia, Wow....very interesting...I\'m talking to you on the phone right now!!! And We\'re talking in yes and no questions.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I love you!!! You make me smile!!!!!!!!
Alicia Cooper
Girlly, u r the gr8est!!! :lol: I luv u!!!! :D i wish i could be there with u! I miss u soooooooooo much!!! It seems like ages since we\'ve seen each other!!!! :cry: Yah, we talk like EVERY day..but it\'s not the same! I miss u somethin terrible! I can\'t wait for March!!! Gosh, that sounds really far comes the depression.. :cry: luv u! :lol:
Lynne Johnston
[b]I LOVE YOU!!!!!![/b] And I wish you were here..... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Alicia Cooper
Chels!!! I luv u girl! :D You made my day!!! 8) It has been a pretty crappy one until now... :cry: :cry: long story....anywhooo, love u and have a great time in FL!!! 8) :D u prolly won\'t talk to me the whole time ur there cuz u\'ll be too busy with Michael!!!! :x :cry: But remeber where ur loyalty lies and who is ALWAYS gunna be ur FAVE! :lol: :D :lol: