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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/hollyjill
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Holly Nave
Holly Nave
Husband and I
Holly Nave
amber dixon
:!: Hola :!: :?: Como Esta Chicka :?: mi es muy bueno Mi amor Hezus Christo Amber Dixon
April Beck
Is it because it is tax season? What a wonderful time of year huh. It has been crazy on this end to. I like my job but I miss Ashley and David. I see Steph all day. I don\'t get to see Ash but in the morning and then David in the morning and 15 min . after school and I leave for work. April
April Beck
Hey Beauty, I have been good an d how about you?
Holly Nave
Hi, I just got your messages that you sent like a month ago! Im really bad at checking mypraize for some reason! Anyways, have a blessed day ok... :)
Amy Ohsiek
Yeah I miss you too. I have been sick for a while and I think I still am. But I\'ll be at small group on Sunday. I\'ve just been really busy. I hope you are good. We need to get trogether sometime. :D
Holly Nave
Hey! I\'ve been missing you in small group...hope everything is ok. I also heard you were sick, are you feeling better??
amber dixon
PRAYER REQUEST!!!!!!!!!! :!: :!: :!: :!: i was talking to my ex the otherday and he told me that in 6 months that his dad is being deploid oversea to fight in teh war in Iraq and I guess hte prayer request is that his dad stays safe and he can cope with all of this well Well Love ya Bunches C U sunday Amber Dixon :shock:
amber dixon
Hey Holly how are you hope everything is great hope you have a wonderful christmas and new year :roll: 8) :lol: :shock: :D
Holly Nave
Hey babe, you haven\'t checked this thing in forever but I LOVE YOU!! Your so sweet, thanks for all you do husband! :lol:
Amy Ohsiek
yeah i know! i havent been to church in a while let alone small group... :(
Holly Nave
I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! :cry:
Danielle t
thats HOT !!

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