ok so this is a little about coco i know everything about her 1. What does the 7th message in your [cell] text inbox say? i dont text 2. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks? no never
3. Who's the last person that came to your house? amanda
4. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? spongebob square pants
5. What is the last thing that you drank? water or tea
6. What time did you get up today? around 9
7. Who is the 5th missed call in your phone? abby
8. Who is one person you can't stand from grade school?idk
9. What grade did you get in Algebra? idk
10 Who was the last person to comment you? abby
11. Is there anyone you would like to fight? nope
12. Do you like someone right now? dose nick jonas count
13. What are your initials? C.j.a.b.
14. What were you doing before this survey? eating
15. Who did you dance with last?
my teddy bear LOL, my little sister 16. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
ummm ya 17. Song playing? a good one
18. If you could have one wish: umm that i could go see abby !!!!
19. What color is your underwear? umm that i could go see abby !!!!
19. What color is your underwear?white 20. Do you know what tofu is? ya 21. Have you ever eaten it? idk
22. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? wood's lol, 23. Who were you with last night? my family
24. Do you want to go back to high school? well i wanna go there first
25. Who is your arch-enemy? brandy
26.How long 'til your birthday? 4 monthes
27. Do you or have you ever read Cosmo? no
28. Where were you 3 hours ago? asleep
29. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? wash it
30. What do you think of Paris Hilton? i dont think about here
31. What color shirt are you wearing? a color of the rainbow
32. Britney or Christina? neither
33. Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band? gold but i will were eirther
34. Have you ever paid to smash a car? no
35. What did you do yesterday? school ummm talked on the phone to abby and ate
36. Are you bored right now? kinda
37. Have you ever flashed someone? no
38. How many children do you want to have? 5-6 or-7 39. What scares you the most? drowning
40. Republican or Democrat? republican
41. How many people on your top friends do you know in real life.?
42. Do you think that the tobacco companies should pay for people's medical bills? kinda 43. Who did you ride in a car with last besides family? abby i think
44. What makes you happy? being with my bff abby
45. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back? yup but it was all good stuff
46. Are you single or in a relation ship? single 45.who was ur last girlfreind/boyfreind luke 46.who did u text last? i dont text 47.Do you drink? no 48. Do you some? no 47.Kelly clarkson, or kellie pickler? kelly clarkson 48.Chevy or fords idk 49.Favorite dog breed? poodle LOL 50.When was the last time you took a shower? yesterday night 51.what do you want to be when you get older? a mom 52.Do you want to be in a relatonship? ??????????? 53.What are you doing this friday night? idk nothin waiting on my friend to get home from homcoming football game to tell me bout it 54.what is 5 of your favorite movies? 1. sleeping beauty 2.cheeper by the dozen 3. what a girl wants 4. just like heaven 5. a cinderella story 55.What are 5 of your favorite tv shows? 1. hannah montana 2 sweet life of zack and cody 3 how do i look 4. lost 5. 24 56.what do you watch at 4:00? watever is on 57.What do you wash your face with? face wash duh lol, 58.What are you biggest weakness? chocolate LOL ( abby ) make's me do dumb stuff like walk across the swing set ahhhhh 59 Do you already have your whole wedding planned out? ummm dress yes wedding no 60. What age would you like to get married? when god sends me the right guy 61.whats your fav band jonas brothers 62. fav song thats just the way we roll |