
Marilyn Jordan







20 Mar

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Bio : I was born in Peoria, IL many, many years ago. I am a widow, mother to 3 daughters, 2 awesome sons-in-law and 6 grandchildren. I was born and raised Catholic, however have not been a practicing Catholic for a number of years. This is not to say I will not return to Catholicism if God leads me back.. I received Jesus in 1976 with 2 of my brothers leading me. While I was saved I continued to follow Catholicism for many years. It was when my husband of 46 years died and one year later my daughters began shunning me I cried out to Jesus one night on my knees in prayer and tears asking God what He wanted me to do and He said "Be still and know that I am God." This lead me to developing a relationship with Jesus, which I did not know I could do, this began my journey of a relationship with God. I turned 100% to the Lord. He did not remove the shunning even though I pray everyday for a healing, but praying for their salvations before returning to me. It has been a journey with many tears, missing my family so very much and my heart aches without them everyday. Jesus took my hand many years ago and is walking this rocky journey with me. I love to read mostly Christian and Historical books. I love being outdoors and love gardening. Now since I live in a Condo I am only able to do balcony container gardening. God lead me to this Condo when I was looking for a small house. He knew exactly where the best place for me was. I have awesome neighbors and was reacquainted with a woman I worked with many years ago at the local University. We are the best of friends now. There are people who check on me knowing I live alone. This is a blessing for which I am eternally grateful. I currently live in my hometown Peoria, IL. Have lived in Detroit, MI, California and Tennessee through out my 79 years. I am the youngest of 5 children; 4 of us still living; my dearest and closest brother went to be with the Lord in 1992 at the age of 52...way too young. I have 2 black cat fur babies and at times they can be challenging. Believe me cats or at least mine are not anti social. I often say they run the house I just pay the bills. Have a blessed day with Jesus' leading.
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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/jesusmyall
Content Rejected
Marilyn Jordan
15 days ago
Edited 15 days ago
Just when you think there is no hope, God reaches down and says "Take My hand and let Me lead the way, Be Still and know that I am God. we can do this together." I do not know the author of this as none was stated when I found it and have it as my wallpaper on my phone so I will be reminded of this everyday.
Just when you think there is no hope, God reaches down and says "Take My hand and let Me lead the way, Be Still and know that I amRead More
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Eric Burow
15 days ago
Edited 15 days ago
Welcome to MyPraize!
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Marilyn Jordan
16 days ago
Edited 16 days ago
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Kathi (Admin)
16 days ago
Edited 16 days ago
Hi Marilyn, welcome to myPraize!
falseRead More
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  • Kathi (Admin) Well, I try to hop on and approve things in the queue twice a day but sometimes life gets in the way.
    15 days ago
Content Rejected
Marilyn Jordan
16 days ago
Edited 16 days ago
If there are any parent(s) whose adult child(ren) have estranged from them please friend me. I may begin a group on here for Parents estranged from their adult children. I have been shunned by my 3 daughters for 14 years and there is healing being able to share with others. Each situation is different, but the heartache is the same. I know we can help each other.
If there are any parent(s) whose adult child(ren) have estranged from them please friend me. I may begin a group on here for PareRead More
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Marilyn Jordan
17 days ago
Edited 17 days ago
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Content Rejected
Marilyn Jordan
17 days ago
Edited 17 days ago
Good morning and blessings to everyone. I am new to mypraize however I was a member on praize.com. I am so happy to find an alternative to FB. I will share my testimony on my profile in a little while. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of mypraize.
Good morning and blessings to everyone. I am new to mypraize however I was a member on praize.com. I am so happy to find an alteRead More
  • 0
Marilyn Jordan
Just when you think there is no hope, God reaches down and says "Take My hand and let Me lead the way, Be Still and know that I am God. we can do this together." I do not know the author of this as none was stated when I found it and have it as my wallpaper on my phone so I will be reminded of this everyday.
Eric Burow
Welcome to MyPraize!
Marilyn Jordan
Kathi (Admin)
Hi Marilyn, welcome to myPraize!
Marilyn Jordan
If there are any parent(s) whose adult child(ren) have estranged from them please friend me. I may begin a group on here for Parents estranged from their adult children. I have been shunned by my 3 daughters for 14 years and there is healing being able to share with others. Each situation is different, but the heartache is the same. I know we can help each other.
Marilyn Jordan
Marilyn Jordan
Good morning and blessings to everyone. I am new to mypraize however I was a member on praize.com. I am so happy to find an alternative to FB. I will share my testimony on my profile in a little while. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of mypraize.

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