Marilyn Jordan
Just when you think there is no hope, God reaches down and says "Take My hand and let Me lead the way, Be Still and know that I am God. we can do this together." I do not know the author of this as none was stated when I found it and have it as my wallpaper on my phone so I will be reminded of this everyday.
Eric Burow
Welcome to MyPraize!
Kathi (Admin)
Hi Marilyn, welcome to myPraize!
Marilyn Jordan
If there are any parent(s) whose adult child(ren) have estranged from them please friend me. I may begin a group on here for Parents estranged from their adult children. I have been shunned by my 3 daughters for 14 years and there is healing being able to share with others. Each situation is different, but the heartache is the same. I know we can help each other.
Marilyn Jordan
Good morning and blessings to everyone. I am new to mypraize however I was a member on I am so happy to find an alternative to FB. I will share my testimony on my profile in a little while. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of mypraize.