Jenalee Yoder, a Friend to many. She was always so happy, and She had a smile that made you smile, even if you tried not to. I didn't know Her extremely well, but Her and I were Friends. She got into an accident, and well...She's in a better place now. I miss Her, and so do many other people. At first I told myself not to cry, but crying makes it better...makes it easier, so now I tell myself to cry all I need, because holding it in isn't going to make me feel better. Jenalee had done everything on Earth that God created Her to do, and it was Her time to rest, and be with Our Father. When people talked about Death around me, I used to ask them to stop, because I didn't like talking about it, it made me scared. But when I turned 12 I decided that I shouldn't be scared to talk about Death, and now it doesn't bother me at all. But I realized something, when people asked me if I was scared of dieing I replied, "No, I'm scared of dieing before I've done everything on Earth that God created me to do" but that was the dumbest answer I could ever give, because why would God take me to Heaven if I wasn't done on Earth? I mean honestly, I'm still kicking myself in the butt for giving people that answer. But we never really know when we've done everything that God created us to do, sometimes we have done it, without knowing it and next thing we know we're talking with God (I mean not "We" because of course we're still here but, you know what I mean). Maybe I've already done what God created me to do, but He's letting me live a few weeks longer before I go, or maybe I haven't. I don't know. But why should we Live every day as if it were promised? I mean we all know tomorrow is only a question, but why do we Live our Lives as if we know for a fact that tomorrow is a promise? I mean, think about it, honestly think about it, how many times have you thought to yourself that there will be a tomorrow? Do you really Live every day as if it were your last? I know that I've caught myself thinking that I know for a fact that I will still be alive by morning, but who knows if I will? there is a chance, but not a promise. After hearing that Jenalee was Heaven, I started thinking (This was after I finished crying for who knows how long) why do we all know that tomorrow is a question, but Live today as if it were a promise? We goto bed everynight and thank God for what He's given us, but do we ever thank Him for giving us today? do we ever ask Him to give us tomorrow? Most of us probably haven't, because we Live Life as if today isn't a blessing, but something that will happen. I'm sure Jenalee didn't wake up knowing that it was Her last day on Earth, She was probably expecting it to be like every other day of Life, just like we all would. Just like we all still do. But have you ever woke up and thought "What if today is my last day?"? Have you ever started Living your Life doing everything you could possibly do in one day, just in case you didn't wake up tomorrow? or did wake up, but the day didn't last as long as you hoped it would? I know I haven't. But now, I want to. Tomorrow is not promised and today, is a Gift. And God, I thank you for today, and if there's one thing you could give me that would make me the happiest person ever, it would be tomorrow.
Jenalee Yoder, a Friend to many. She was always so happy, and She had a smile that made you smile, even if you tried not to. I did…
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