I love you. There is something that everyone has or will experience in their lifetimes, and it is caused by that phrase, and it goes by the accurate title of heartache. It is unavoidable if you belong to the human race. Though there are many ways to prevent it, sometimes good may come out of this experience as well, and we can learn a lot about ourselves and human nature from heartache?
There is no easy way to avoid heartache, for love is a major part of the human psychological make-up. You can prevent it a couple different ways, ranging from extremely rude to slightly aloof. The most common way is to try not to get too close to anyone, because that makes a person more vulnerable, and more susceptible to heartache. Although sometimes this can be rude, it is a very safe way to live your life. You can also just keep yourself to yourself, and not be involved with the opposite sex intimately whatsoever. But often times people that don't understand why someone is doing this will make up rumors and hurtful things to explain it, which in turn does nothing to help the heartache. There are also many things that can cause this terrible feeling, such as simple rejection from a desired date, or something small and seemingly meaningless but may hold far much more weight than apparent. For example, it would be expected for someone to be crushed over being turned down for a date, but something as small as someone forgetting to call someone else can sometimes affect a person much more than simply being rejected. Say a boy has been talking to this girl he thinks is really interesting, and he develops somewhat of an affinity for her, a crush if you will. You see, how a person feels greatly determines the outcome of an event. If this boy, let's call him Johnny, just thinks this girl is attractive and is slightly interested in her, and she stands him up, he wouldn't be as greatly affected as if she was something more special than that. Such as his first love, fabled soul-mate, or something above the average boy-to-girl infatuation, and it will affect the boy much more than any old girl.
But heartache isn't all despair; there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are many instances where one can come out of heartbreak and ache, better off than they were before. It's like building muscles, only this muscle is your heart. Every time you exercise, your muscles are ripped, bruised, and stretched, but after they heal, they become stronger than before. It's the same way with heartache. Your heart is broken, and when it heals, it's stronger and bigger than before. Another good thing that can come out of it is the knowledge. Knowledge of how to avoid and see heartache before it happens, also how to deal with it easier. You also get a better idea about the opposite sex and their modus operandi, and more about how to deal with them. Ah, but heartache isn't all good either, there are plenty of bad things that can result from it. Many people can be beaten down by heartbreak, and instead of healing and therefore growing stronger, they wallow in their own heartache and self-pity for long periods of time, and sometimes even fall into depression. Also different forms of self-destruction, which are very saddening, and not a subject I would wish to delve into much. The point is, you'll never know exactly how heartache will affect you until you experience it firsthand, and you can only hope something good becomes of it.
Heartache is as much a learning experience as it is an experience of emotional turmoil. For instance, I learned that I can be very dependent and get jealous easily, but also that I can be optimistic and look to the future, friends, or poetry for comfort. You may learn that you can recover easily and are not readily hurt, the opposite, or any combination of these. Sometimes people can also be very sullen after break-ups, some try and hide it behind a smile and a wave, but as sure as I'm sitting here typing, and you're reading this, the heartache is still there. We can also learn about human nature, and why we do some of the things we do. Humans naturally need acceptance; it is one of our core needs as individuals. And sometimes we go to great lengths and put on a show to gain this acceptance, often times looking for it in all the wrong places. And you will also gain a stance on many commonly pondered love issues such as; love at first sight, soul-mates, and other love myths. And once again I must reiterate, you will never know until you experience it.
This point I have stressed throughout my essay has brought me to my conclusion, and an analogy. Heartache and furthermore, love, is like a giant slot machine. First if all, you won't get out of it any more than you put in to it, so don't be expecting any great wins from a penny slot machine. Secondly, it's a big chance. You could lose all your quarters trying to get the perfect match, and sometimes you might get two out of three, and you might settle for that. But I guarantee you won't truly be happy until you get the perfect match. Or you could play it safe, and not use any quarters. Because maybe once, you used a lot of quarters at one time, and lost them all, and now you're too afraid to try again. But then you'll never know what it's like to pull down the lever, and see exactly what your heart desires roll up and meet your waiting gaze. And I don't know what decision he or she, or you will make, but as for me. My pockets are full and jingling, and I'm feeling lucky?
I love you. There is something that everyone has or will experience in their lifetimes, and it is caused by that phrase, and i…
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