Sofia Green
Hiya! Just browsing and thought I\'d say hello. :D
Sofia Green
Hi. =D. I was just browisng, trying to meet new people. What\'s up?
Sofia Green
Hey girl! HWat is cooking wth you!? It\'s good to see you on here...whatcha think?
Brittney M.
hey I'm Brittney, I'm new to this site and am just getting used to it. I'm from MD, and love meeting new friends too, so whats up?
Sofia Green
Rock The World:
Sofia Green
Aww thanks for your nice comment! Nobody's ever said that to me before! Don't you just love being a Christian?! EEEEE it makes me happy to be a child of God. :lol: :D :)
Jacob Hadden
i admire you for your daily commitment to Christ! your awesome!!!
Sofia Green
Hi! I'm new and trying to meet people. What part of Virginia do you live in? I live in Fredericksburg. So yeah. We like some of the same music, hehe. Anyways, ttyl!
Sofia Green
Yeah I knew this was like myspace, but I haven't really had a chance to really work on my profile yet. I'm just trying to meet new people. I love pen-pals and stuff. :D.
So...yeah. What's cookin'?
Sofia Green
Hey hey, I like your shirt, lol. Just trying to meet people to be poen-pals or yeah., Just saying hi!
Sofia Green
Hehe, I like Ricky Ullman too. :P.
Sofia Green
Hi! No, you don't know me. :P. I'm new to this site and was just trying to meet new people. Thought I'd say hello! Godspeed!
Sofia Green
I like Thousand Foot Krutch too. I'm Missy, just sayin' hi! God bless!
Sofia Green
Heyness! I'm new to this site and was just trying to meet new people. Your profile is cool. We like a lot of the same music. :D. Cheers, Godspeed!