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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/joysofheaven
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Johnna Brunenkant
Johnna Brunenkant
Hello my Jo! Congrats on the game tonight... and I'm so happy you got to play!!! I love you dear sweet girl!!! Looking forward to this weekend. xoxo - Jay
Johnna Brunenkant
p.s. that picture is freaky!!!... the crazy eyes one... but youre still gorgeous! :wink:
Johnna Brunenkant
hiya... love you 2!! I'm excited about this wkend... see you manyana (sp?). :)
alexis white
hey just stoped to say hi love ya :lol: i do love loly pops lol have a wonderful day ttyl :D alexis :D
Johnna Brunenkant
Hey! Yay for me! I\'m the first one to sign your wall! :D I had fun hangin w/ you on Fri. I\'m glad you came! I\'ll see you next week!
Johnna Brunenkant
You\'re such a dork! You were the first one to write on your own wall! :D J/K Well have a wonderful day crouching lollipop goddess! ;) Kisses - on the cheek this time! lol -J :lol:
CJ Kelly
So, I was reading your profile, and I think the word I would use would be... \"wonderful\"... :lol: Luvya... CJ 8)
Johnna Brunenkant
well, you know what... I think youre pretty wonderful. :D
steve and jenn martin
hello mommy! Just trying to figure out this mypraize thing. THought i would stop by and say HI have a great day, and give heaven a kiss for us
Bruce Lagioia
haha yes.. my name is Drink An Ent Draft. From Lord of the Rings. hehe It was at the time when Merry and Pippen were under the care of the Ent called Treebeard and he gave them a draught of a certain watery entish dainty. They then grew quite taller than normal hobbits. (Meridoc weas the tallest!) Soooo DRINK AN ENT DRAFT! hehe
Bruce Lagioia
goodness gracious.. :shock: i misspelled Merry\'s name... its MERIADOC. *smacks head* my gosh... hehe -Han
Johnna Brunenkant
Hey cutie... love your page! ;)
Bruce Lagioia
Hi Pretty Lady!! Your hair is GORGEOUS! I love it! :) Just wanted to drop in to say, I LOVE YOU!! Proverbs 31:29-30. -Han
Melissa Kreidel
:lol: your hair is awesome :!:

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