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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/kaitlinj92
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Kaitlin Callender
ashely peircie
Kaitlin Callender
hey ang i\'m sorry to hear about you and jakiyln. i def. on give the ring back.(i\'d keep it)well any way i\'m sorry and tell ellenor is said hi. welk :D :cry: ttyl
Angela Leonard
Everything is like so over between me and Jakki. lol j/k. Good Times. LET\'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!!!! Oh yeah and Jakki isn\'t getting her ring back. HA HA!!! We\'re so retarded.
Kaitlin Callender
hockey is awesome and hockey player are hot :!: :D :)
Kaitlin Callender
hey ang...i was just checkin in to see how the kids are doing.Ellenor right? how old is she like 5? well tell she i said hi and to keep out of trouble...another good comment that can start a rumor..lol love you ang!! :D
Angela Leonard
OMG!!!! You\'re gonna so marry mohawk dude and have twins!!! DEAN and SVETLANA FLUCK!!!! HA HA that\'s hott. J/k. that\'s a good way to get a rumor started. LUV YOU!!!
ashely peircie
finnaly u talk 2 me! whats with all the hockey stuff?
Kaitlin Callender
hi!!! :!:
Kaitlin Callender
hey angela isn\'t my layout like so sidney crosby-ish? that like makes it hot... :wink:
Kaitlin Callender
Kaitlin Callender
ways to describe me...
ashely peircie
ur actually on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaitlin Callender
seannyboy...i don\'t want to be chicken can i be liek goose or moose or somethign fun to say that like isn\'t chicken? :?: :D
Kaitlin Callender

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