Kate Sasser
Me and Samantha
Kate Sasser
Dang! You got a lot of views!
Kate Sasser
who is karls?
Kate Sasser
We all know that you have a problem...but I dont think that its a mountian dew one
Kate Sasser
Hey \"Nicky\"!!! LOL!! So what have you been doing???
Kate Sasser
3 x10 those sun glasses!! :P
we need to get together sometime :D
Margaret High
hey kate!! It\'s margaret
Kate Sasser
Hey Lorna! I defenetly know that I am one of your random dorky friends that made you apply to that group! By the way, I LOVE CHEESE!
Kate Sasser
Type me back homiee!
Kate Sasser
i am so happy and love all of ya\'ll in our \"group\".
Kate Sasser
o yeah \"llloooovvveeeee\" da bacground.