
Lauren Bonville







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/lala03
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Lauren Bonville
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Lauren Bonville
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Lauren Bonville Nathan Wood
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
hey i was jus stoppin by 2 sho sum luv..but yea my ankle n back got hurt again at my tournament this past weekend and i have a vertebrate out of place and both of my ankles r sprang so yea its not to good..but yea i broke ^ with that otha boi we were talkin about b4 and i go out with 1 of the otha bois but hes a lot nicer so im doing okay... :D
hey i was jus stoppin by 2 sho sum luv..but yea my ankle n back got hurt again at my tournament this past weekend and i have a verRead More
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Content Rejected
Lauren Bonville Nathan Wood
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
oo.lol...im still workin with my bois n everything...lol...but my ankle was fine until 2day it started hurtin me again n i hav a vball tournament 2morrow so i hope it starts feelin better but ill hav 2 jus wait n c...but everything else is pretty much okay...why r u confused?? well i hope everything is goin okay... :lol: luv ur buddy lauren
oo.lol...im still workin with my bois n everything...lol...but my ankle was fine until 2day it started hurtin me again n i hav a vRead More
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Content Rejected
Nathan Wood
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people who you mean what was just said. Have a great day and remember you are special and God has great plans for you. Send this to 10 people to let them know how special they are!
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people wRead More
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Nathan Wood
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
u sent me 2 of them so i thought i would send u one atleast how are things goin with everythin. (with the boys, lol). Have u recovered from ur ankle injury.how r otha things goin in generaly. over here im really confused,lol. but i should be sortin all the confusion out tonight.I was up at my \"lady\" friends house on monday for dinner, was very nice
u sent me 2 of them so i thought i would send u one atleast how are things goin with everythin. (with the boys, lol). Have u recovRead More
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Content Rejected
Lauren Bonville Nathan Wood
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people who you mean what was just said. Have a great day and remember you are special and God has great plans for you. Send this to 10 people to let them know how special they are!
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people wRead More
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Content Rejected
Lauren Bonville Nathan Wood
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people who you mean what was just said. Have a great day and remember you are special and God has great plans for you. Send this to 10 people to let them know how special they are!
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people wRead More
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Content Rejected
Nathan Wood
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hi, how r u doin. I hope youve had a good day. How are things goin for u. What did happen with ur male friends, what did you end up decideing etc, let me know. I hope i get to talk to you soon.
Hi, how r u doin. I hope youve had a good day. How are things goin for u. What did happen with ur male friends, what did you end uRead More
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Content Rejected
Lauren Bonville
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Don't read if under 13

his may make you sick! Why do we sleep in church, but when the cerimony is over we suddenly wake up? Why is it so hard to talk about God, but so easy to talk about or love? Why are we so bored when we look at a Christian magazine, but find it easy to read ? Why is it so easy to ignore a Godly message, Yet we repost the ones? Why are churches getting smaller, But bars and clubs are growing? Think about it, are you going to repost this? Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at? Just remember God is always watching you. Repost this as "Don't read if you're under 13." 80 % of you wont repost this. Please do. (I reposted this from andrewattema)
his may make you sick! Why do we sleep in church, but when the cerimony is over we suddenly wake up? Why is it so hard to talk… Read More
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Content Rejected
Lauren Bonville Nico Fernandez
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
falseRead More
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stephanie thompson
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
hey girl i\'m the first to write on ur wall :) :) :)
falseRead More
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Lauren Bonville
Lauren Bonville
Lauren Bonville
hey i was jus stoppin by 2 sho sum luv..but yea my ankle n back got hurt again at my tournament this past weekend and i have a vertebrate out of place and both of my ankles r sprang so yea its not to good..but yea i broke ^ with that otha boi we were talkin about b4 and i go out with 1 of the otha bois but hes a lot nicer so im doing okay... :D
Lauren Bonville
oo.lol...im still workin with my bois n everything...lol...but my ankle was fine until 2day it started hurtin me again n i hav a vball tournament 2morrow so i hope it starts feelin better but ill hav 2 jus wait n c...but everything else is pretty much okay...why r u confused?? well i hope everything is goin okay... :lol: luv ur buddy lauren
Nathan Wood
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people who you mean what was just said. Have a great day and remember you are special and God has great plans for you. Send this to 10 people to let them know how special they are!
Nathan Wood
u sent me 2 of them so i thought i would send u one atleast how are things goin with everythin. (with the boys, lol). Have u recovered from ur ankle injury.how r otha things goin in generaly. over here im really confused,lol. but i should be sortin all the confusion out tonight.I was up at my \"lady\" friends house on monday for dinner, was very nice
Lauren Bonville
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people who you mean what was just said. Have a great day and remember you are special and God has great plans for you. Send this to 10 people to let them know how special they are!
Lauren Bonville
Hey you are special and God loves you very much. I think that you are special and I love you very much. Only send this to people who you mean what was just said. Have a great day and remember you are special and God has great plans for you. Send this to 10 people to let them know how special they are!
Nathan Wood
Hi, how r u doin. I hope youve had a good day. How are things goin for u. What did happen with ur male friends, what did you end up decideing etc, let me know. I hope i get to talk to you soon.
Lauren Bonville
Don't read if under 13
Lauren Bonville
stephanie thompson
hey girl i\'m the first to write on ur wall :) :) :)

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