Kristen Litchford
*heyy longg time no c! haha, well i love you girrl. we need to get together:)
courtney reagan
y don\'t u have ur other profile?
courtney reagan
hi brooke
Kristen Litchford
aww i love ure pg!!!
Kristen Litchford
hey hows it goin???? lol
Kristen Litchford
i missed u bowlin 2day!!!! :(
where did u get ure volleyball pic?????
Kristen Litchford
speakin of that...R U OKKK?????
Brooke Crowder
awesome background!
Kristen Litchford
I luvvvvvvvv ure background cuz dalmations rulez!!!!!!!
Kristen Litchford
hey I like u\'re background and video... is u\'re background a chow chow??? and I\'ve never c\'n that video b4
Kristen Litchford
ya\'ll did good 2day :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!