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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/lissylynn
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alyssa barton
alyssa barton
American Eagle
alyssa barton
Me being Me
alyssa barton
me and forrest
alyssa barton
Me... What?
alyssa barton
Britni Delaney
Hey my softball video is online! go to my blog entries and click on it. then click on the website it shows! you will see it!
Britni Delaney
hey wat up girl! text me! ttyl8ra! \'lil-pitcha
hannah begin
hey grl hey wat upppppp
Britni Delaney
wat up softball chicka! lol! c u at the fields! :!:
alyssa barton
So, you still like this better? :roll:
Brittany King
Merry Christmas.
Nathan Beckley
hay i havet said any thing to you and im sorry please send me an message or wright on my wall please and come to ower church ask your mom if you can come next week if you can call me at 623 583 8111 thankes :D :D
Heather Delaney
I hear you have a myspace. Friend request me!!! www.myspace.com/ianwoc L8R
Heather Delaney
Looks like the lake is out for the rest of the year. BUMMER. At least the swimming part is over. We will have to do it next season! Sorry. HOpe you are well!!!

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