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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/livelifelove
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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kylie padgett
My favorite 2 girls!
kylie padgett
Best Friend and me
kylie padgett
kylie padgett
louis weeks
hey i\'m really sorry for not getting back to your comment earlier. lifes been busy, but i hope your doing awesome, and i\'ll ttyl :D have a good valentines day (which is my 17th bday :) )
Alexandra Belvis
hey cool page
kylie padgett
Hey i jsut added you as my new friend. My name is kylie and i am really excited to get to know you. I am a soccer freak. But i hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving. TTYl :)
kylie padgett
Thanks for the add...can't wait to talk to you more!
kayla carlisle
Hey how are you?????? we've talked be fore. i'm kayla.. i deleted my site. lol. but i made a new one.. it use to be kailajoy.
kylie padgett
LOL that is awsome. Well hey its the way everyone should live life.
brianna beasley
hey!!! wats up? well nm here but its a saturday and im bored and thats very unlikely for me!! lol!!:] :lol: :lol:
brianna beasley
u know we almost have the same s/n's
kate mennenbach
i love this girl everyone! love her! :lol:
kylie padgett
Hey want to tag me some of those black and white party photos i want some. LOVE you i had a awsome time today. :)
Catie Nance
hi! umm....my name is catie! and i just thought that i would say thanks for the add ~catie~

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