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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/livingforhim
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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R Davis
R Davis
Just saying hi! :D
Kim Towe
hey bekah i had a great time thursday and friday, cant wait till you guys are back again. i love you ttyl bye.
R Davis
I love the new picture!! :D
Kim Towe
hey, i figured that i would change my picture to the one that you like so much. thanks alot for the emial and the pics! have a great week love you bye
R Davis
Hey hey! Lovely picture. I'm sending you more. I love the one I'm sending of the two of us - we look fabulous! :lol:
Kim Towe
Hwy Rebekah!! I hope things are going well for you and Bro. Glyn, things are going here i dont know if i can say well but things are going :wink: . Well i guess i will talk to you later. I love you. bye. *K-towe*
R Davis
Hola! I love & miss ya!! Just wanted to say hi. Keep the emails & phone calls coming. We love hearing from you!
Kim Towe
you do not know how much i hate to see you go, but i know this is the right thing. I love you very much and you are very special to me. You are my hero. K-towe
R Davis
Vision 3.16
R Davis
I have no idea what "write on wall" is, so I'm doing this to find out. :)
R Davis
R Davis
June 20

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