rebeca martinez
yO eMiLeE yOu kNOw ThAt GroUp ThAt u mAdE tHaT iS cAlEd nOt MysPaCe MyPRaIze WeLL YoU sHUlD dEleTe That BeCSAuSE U Do HaVe mYspacE
rebeca martinez
Hi My NaMe Is REbEcA
rebeca martinez
Yo, EmIlEe, YoU kNoW tHaT gRoUp ThAt iS CAlLed NoT mYsPaCe MyPrAize Well YoU ShUlDnT hAvE mAdE tHaT GrOuP BcUz uHaVe a MySpAcE
emilee harper
i have a question(\':!:\')
emilee harper
hijavascript:emoticon(\':D\') beca wat up homie!
emilee harper
i am not mad and u cant say different
well you can but plz dont
you can be mad at me but a good friend shouldnt be mad
emilee harper
hey sarah gonzalez is taking me to the party for strings