Bio : When you change the way you find things, the things you find change
WEB CURATORS Mike & Dee Dee Foxworth for ALTACITIES® as social media archivists aka ALTALOMAN® / CANSWERIST®, web moniker for content created and archived in ...
* SocialCurrentSee® for and about COMMON INTEREST DEVELOPMENTS, more than HOAs, aka ALTACITIES® = ?alternate cities?
* SCS: CASTING the constant comments, stories, and 'social currents' of publisher, curator, webmaster ALTALOMAN with a view of the sites below. Now retired, Mike & Dee Dee celebrate his survival with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) since Mar. 06, including a stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor in 2007 and TomoTherapy in 2009.
"ALTALOMAN" is the creator and founder, web visionary, synergist and archivist for a variety of sites (some under the moniker ALTACITIES®), a family of web locations dealing with assorted life issues and important matters.
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Today?s tweets are tomorrow?s posts