
Miranda HICKS







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/mirandahickey
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Miranda HICKS
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Miranda HICKS kelcie jostes
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
hey little cutie! i miss u!
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kelcie jostes
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
hey miranduh wuts up???
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Savannah none ya!
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey Miranda!!! Long time no talk hehe. So watcha been up to chic!?!? write back gurl!!! < 3 Savannah!!!! :D
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Miranda HICKS
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago


Hi ..:*Lovelys*:.. Im Miranda :] Umm i thought i'd write a little or a lot about me in here.. cause i'm really b*o*r*e*d!! Well yeah.. My birthdays in like 1 month!! im so excited!! idk why.. but i love birthdays.. specially MiNe!! :]}} WeLL. I Have 3 BroTheRs..VinCeNt 16;Kyle 16; AnD JaCoB 7. I ALSo Have 4 SiStErS... RaChAeL 12;MEghan 11;JoRDaEn 8; AnD BaiLee 8. YeAh My BrOthErs ViNcEnT And KyLe Are The SaMe aGe but nooo their not twins!! and i know jordaen and bailee are the same age too! but nope!! not twins!! their just all my half brothers and sisters.. but kyle's my real brother. i have like.. a huge family!! i have like 10 aunts and 10 uncles!! lol.. and each of them have like 5 kids.. and then i have like a million cousins.. its pretty crazy!! but i love all of them!! My dad and mom are DiVoReD and been divorced since i was like.. 1 month old!! so it doesnt bother me at all. i barely ever see my dad too.. like once a year i'll visit him.. but thats because its my choice!! every body says girls need their dads in their lives..i def. DONT agree with that.. cause most of my life i havent had my dad.. and im doing just fine!! ;] Well.. i was born in las alimitos california!! in orange county.. but i've lived in az most of my life.. in az i've lived in glendale.. pheonix.. peoria.. and now surprise.. pretty nifty if you ask me!! WELL! my favorite place to go to vacation is CATLINA ISLAND! you have to go to california to get there.. My Dad usually takes us on our boat~!! its a 30 ft speed boat!! its so fun!! UMM... yEaH. this is taking away my boredom and i love it!! umm.. i dont really go to school.. i take online classes.. its helping me with my credits ALOT. and i love it. but i miss going to school.. cause i miss my friends like crazy. i wanna be a vet.. then again i d9ont wanna be anything.. i wanna marry a rich man!! ;] WHOS GUNNA BE RICH BY THE TIME IM 18!!?? hahaha i'm usually a very very ..:*NiCe*:.. person.. i am def. a people person.. but if you hurt my family or friends.. i def. DONT like you.. and i will be MEAN.. some people say im heartless.. but im not. they dont know me. i have the biggest heart EVER. i love kids!! i want like 2. haha... and i already figured out a name!! if i have a girl i wanna name it Ahlauna Rochelle.. rochelle cause thats my moms middle name!! Or i might steal my aunts middle name and it'd be Ahlauna Ilene -[eye-lean]- its spelled funny but thats what it sounds like. My sister said Ahlauna Marie would be better.. but like EVERYONE has the middle name Marie. like 50 people in my family have the middle name Marie... ANd thats just a nO nO. uUMM. anyways. IM BORED. And im writing too much..SOOO PEACEEE! OOH YEAH.. FOR ALL U OLD PEOPLE THAT ALWAYS HiiT ON ME.. IM SOOO TAKEN.. YES. IM MARRIED. & HER NAME IS MCKENNA.. WE HAVE THE BEST LOVE OUT THERE.. SHE POKES ME WITH FRENCH FRIES && I REALLY LOVE IT. IT MAKES MY DAY.. HAHA.. AND IF U HIT ON ME.. EXPECT HER TO KICK U IN THE FACE!! I KNOW MOST OF YOU GUYS LOVVEEE WHEN PEOPLE KICK U IN THE FACE.. BUT I GUARENTEE U.. U WONT LIKE IT!! !!!!!!!!!!! ITS A HARD KICK IN THE FACE.. LIKE....BOOOMMM!!!!!!! HAHAHAA.. DUDE.. IM SO BORED... OH & I LOVE RAINSTORMS.. THUNDERSTORMS.. WHATEVER!! THEY MAKE MY DAY!!!!! I LOVE DRIVING IN THE RAIN... LIKE TO SCOTTSDALE.. IT WAS POURINGGGG!!!! I COULDNT EVEN SEE THE ROAD!!!! AND CARS WERE PULLING OFF TO THE SIDE CAUSE THEY WERE TOO CHICKEN... WELL.. SOME OF THEM WERE LITTLE CARS.. CAUSE THE ROAD WAS FLOODDDEEDDD!!! BUT THATS JUST HOW I LIKE IT.. IT REALLY MAKES MY DAY!!! HAHA.. NO.. IM SERIOUS.. I WISH IT RAINED LIKE 3 TIMES A WEEK.. OMG I'D BE IN HEAVEN.. FOSHO NUKKA... OMG.. MY BACK ITCHES RIGHT NOW.. BUT I DONT WANNA ICH IT.. RAWR GRR RAWR.. YES.. I FORGOT TO MENTION.. I AM A ...... TIGER!!! HAHAH OKAY IM SOOOO DONE!!!
Hi ..:*Lovelys*:.. Im Miranda :] Umm i thought i'd write a little or a lot about me in here.. cause i'm really b*o*r*e*d!! We… Read More
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Miranda HICKS
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago


Umm so yeah... idk what im doing.. but this seems pretty cool.. it doesn't beat myspace though.. lol. ne ways.. its like 1 in the morning..and im bored out of my mind. BUT YAH~ if your reading this;; you shuld totally go write on my wall.. its fun i promise ;] PeAcE oUt!
Umm so yeah... idk what im doing.. but this seems pretty cool.. it doesn't beat myspace though.. lol. ne ways.. its like 1 in the… Read More
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Miranda HICKS
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
buttheads.. write on my wall.. or im gunna go emo.
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Miranda HICKS
Miranda HICKS
hey little cutie! i miss u!
kelcie jostes
hey miranduh wuts up???
Savannah none ya!
Hey Miranda!!! Long time no talk hehe. So watcha been up to chic!?!? write back gurl!!! < 3 Savannah!!!! :D
Miranda HICKS
Miranda HICKS
Miranda HICKS
buttheads.. write on my wall.. or im gunna go emo.

My false

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