Melisa Carter
me in the grass.
Kayla Burroughs
yea..right..what a summer!!!lol so have you talked to dusty this summer?
Melisa Carter
it\'s going pretty good. how about you?
Kayla Burroughs but somedays are WONDERFULL..just depends.!
Kayla Burroughs
haha RIGHT!!!lol so how\'s your summer goin??
Kayla Burroughs
haha dont be callin me a dork!!!lol
Kayla Burroughs
haha sorry we went to Walie world!!
Cassie Whittington
hey, happy easter! have a wondermous day and a wonderermous easter! lol :lol: ILY ttyl
Kayla Burroughs
well u jus need to call me and be like hey im