Steve M
Hi K, how's it going? ...any new songs ? Weekend plans?
Kimberly Brown
Hey! Umm nothing much mostly school.. Ha. I'm goin to friends birthday party this weekend. and spending the night at my friends house.. Thats about it. What about you?~KiM_mE~
Steve M
Welcome to MyPraize........have a great weekend......YEAH !!!! :D
Sarah Baker
you need help in getting a picture on your wall??
1. Find a picture (I found that it only worked if you used a picture directly from the web)
2, Right click on the picture, and click "copy image location"
3. Go to the "Theme" page on your panel, and on the profile background section, paste the image location.
4. click update.
I hope that works!
Steve M
Hey sis, your aite is great!!! How did you do all that???
Steve :D
Steve M
Hey lil sis...yeah pricess B is rockin....especially when Lord Westley yells "As You Wwwwiiiissshhhh!!!", while falling down that hill.....awesome. Oh and don't forget the ROUS...
Steve M
Hey, nice work on your page..I need some pointers....
steve - :cry:
Sarah Baker
The Princess Bride is one of the coolest movies ever!!! hehe, i just saw that you liked it and wanted to express my feelings...well, god bless!
Steve M
Keep writing and playing....your talents/gift will make a place for you !!!!
Steve M
Keep writing have much to say !!!
Steve M
Happy Easter to you....have a great week-end........Steve :lol:
silly jean marie
lol is Yugoslavia even a country anymore?? haha anyway HAPPY EASTER!!!
Kendra Twomey
Haha haha :D My bass will be cool but not covered in chocolate.
Steve M
Hey rockin guitar girl....keep playin loud......steve was here.