After the Beginning, it was good
Hey, you know what, i have a great youth group, all the kids are great. Some of them are smelly, but some of them make it up by being really nice to me through using deodorant.
No, but seriously i have a great bunch of kids, thank you all who are in the group, you all make me smile and thank God that it really is fun to be a Christian and to actually go to church to enjoy worshipping the Lord.
I know tonight we ate horseraddish, worshercier (how do you spell it, who cares), and finally jalepeno sauce, but i really do care for you all. I am praying for you all by name, we will have some upcoming events so just keep in touch.
If you are on the Newsletter group keep up your work, and if youre not and you want to join, just let me know.....
All right, i'll stop blabbing, but this is called a blog i think that is what it is is for...have a good night, remember "Whatever you do in word or in deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17.
Grace to you
Hey, you know what, i have a great youth group, all the kids are great. Some of them are smelly, but some of them make it up by b…
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