Laura Brumble
hey nemo last nite was homecoming hope ur having an extra good day luv ya (almost big bro) lolz!!!!! :D
Laura Brumble
hey nemo hope ur havg a good day luv ya ttyl!!!! :D
Laura Brumble
=] :wink: :lol: :!:
Sara Brumble
Hey babe, just thought I\'d drop a line here...hope you\'re having a great day!
Laura Brumble
love God no matter what?\" repost this to 5 other people that u know in 5 mins. if u truely love GOD. a miracle will happen tonight p.s. don\'t ignore God always watches, i like u b/c of who u r to me. ur a true friend, if i don\'t get this back ill take a hint. tonight at midnight ur true love will realize they love u :D
Laura Brumble
HeY NeMo!!!!! how are u im terrified of u know what?!?!lol HELP!!! but ya ilu call soon so i can tell u all about camp!!!!! :D
Nehemiah Hanson
hey, bene orasse bene est studise, study hard, you're not supposed to be looking at this!!! Im joking, have a wonderful day at school.
Ariel Olsen
i forgot to ask, how was ur trip to Texas?? :wink:
Nehemiah Hanson
After the Beginning, it was good
Ariel Olsen
hey Nemo! this is Ariel, u know, Amanda's friend :) i get to be ur first comment! hows it goin?
Amanda Hubbard
hey nemo!! i was gonna be first untill ariel had to ruin everything ahah lol but neways we miss u.. but i hope ur having fun in tx w/ sara hehe :wink:
Nehemiah Hanson
In the Beginning...