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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/olympicdrmr08
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Stacey Lancour
Meagen Bray
dang chick i here you lookin like mia hamm!!! :D
Terrill Griffin
Holla at your boy.LOL :!: :lol:
carrie laughs-a-lot
hey!!!! yeah it was!!!!!! *glee* that's an awesome pic, btw :) so what's new w/you?!?!!? ttyl!!! -carrie :)
*Mo* D.
wow thts so awesum...i wish i had a sister! yea soccer is my breathing, eating, sleeping, etc. i have a big tourny this weekend...wish me luck!!
Stacey Lancour
y didn't u accept my buddy request thingy?! :cry: ahaha had a lot of fun last night and I'm SOO glad y'all cold make it!! :D hopefully we'll b able 2 catch up again SOON...haha -S
Stacey Lancour
heyyy thats ok! i think thats wut the point of this site...2 get 2 kno ppl w/ the same interests as u!!=) ya soccer is practically my life...and i luv 2 talk 2 other ppl who think the same way...=) My sis' name is Gianna...but her Chinese name (which is her middle name) is Mei-Hui....but ya I'll t2 ya later... :D
*Mo* D.
hey im maureen and u dont kno me but thts ok...i luv soccer too...wow thts really kool tht u have an adopted sister from China! what's her name?
carrie laughs-a-lot
hey!!!!!!! it's stacey!!!! so how are you? glad you got a mypraize cause we're ooberly awesome and now you're ooberly awesome too yay so wha'ts new w/you???? ttyl!!!! -carrie :)
Stacey Lancour
hey looky there its CARRIE!!! so ya i finally got a MyPRaize account thingy...ahaha...wut ya been up 2?? t 2 ya later... :D -S
Stacey Lancour
heyyy! hows it goin JM?!?! so ya i finally got a MyPraize... :D and completely do NOT kno what 2 do...HELP!! ahaha -S
Stacey Lancour
heyhey! not much...how bout u? :D
silly jean marie
hey!!!! haha i'm great how are you?? anyway i love the pic!!! das soooo cool haha i love your colors too...and you say you don't know what you're doing! lol anyway i'll ttyl!!!! hope to see you soon!!!! = )
jeff court
what up 8) :lol: :lol:

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