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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/onfire4christ1
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Caleb Kinzler
My sweet band picture.
Caleb Kinzler
kelcey strickland
cool ur on when im on
kelcey strickland
u know it is not like i dont think she is not cool and bs like that but when she gets in ur face it gets kinda annoying.But other than that she is really cool.
Caleb Kinzler
God's Rainbow....a poem by me
Caleb Kinzler
how\'s it going? i know we don\'t know each other, but we can get to know each other real well. :D
Alyssa Rose
hahahha ok!!!
Caleb Kinzler
i love her to death(don\'t tell her i said that), but she is very annoying. she does it to me on purpose, but i think that after doing it to me so long, she kinda acts the same way towards her friends. :roll: that\'s life i guess. :D have fun at school and God Bless.
kelcey strickland
yes very cool give it 2 her if u want to that would be kinda kool i guess eventhough she is 1 of my best friends she can get really annoying sometimes but dont tell her :wink:
kelcey strickland
Caleb Kinzler
:D i finally added u. r u happy? i haven\'t been on here in like forever. sry. i\'m thinking about giving this profile to Melinda so she has one. i\'ll change the password for her, but yeah. ttyl. 8) :!:
kelcey strickland
now look here.....ACCEPT ME!!!!!! Goodness I have been waiting for you to reply for like 2 weeks!!!!!Kelcey
kelcey strickland
Boo!!!Finally someone I know is on here did miss melinda tell you to get one??? Ok mail me back BYE!!!!!
kelcey strickland
Blahblahblah!!!!!accept me for heavens sake!!!!I need a friend I actually know on here!!!!GOSH!!!BYE!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: Kelcey

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