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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/peacejoylove
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Kayla B.
wut you been doing
reaghan clark
hey coby i like grant
reaghan clark
i know
Kayla B.
LOVE the song! Havin a good summer?! lol ITS ONLY BEEN ONE DAY BUT FEELS LIKE 500000!
Kayla B.
what are you doing?! ITS SUMMER! wooooo hooo!! Did you sleep late this morning?! I couldnt, I had a ball game =[ and then tomorrow and all next week i have to get up early.! Tomorrow, because of church, and the rest of the week bcause my mom drives me to my grandmas and then she has to go to work!!
Tori Madison
ummm now but that guy is retarded sorry
reaghan clark
hey tori do u know emily burns is going out with mrs morgans son trever
reaghan clark
hey tori do u know emily burns is going out with mrs morgans son trever
reaghan clark
Tori Madison
oh good
Tori Madison
i made my main photo and who is this is it reagan or mcall
Tori Madison
why is all thr sudden your nice to me and i made my image
reaghan clark
do u never get on here this is kind of wierd beacause u probaly will not answer i like your picture where did u get it lol see u at school
Kade West
no he did not i saw kinsley at logens today and chase was with me to!
kinsley hurd
hey whazz up

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