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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/praiseangel
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Christina Williams
Erika Bean
If you don\'t write to me Im gonna write on your face :D :) :shock: :lol:
Christina Williams
:D Thank u for the pretty doggy!!!!!!! That wuz so sweet and cute of u 2 do.............I luv it :D Just like i luv u :!: HavE a good night and can\'t wait 2 see u 2morrow........I\'m excited..it should be fun :?: Well got 2 go BYE :D
Christina Williams
Hy Celeste!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just stop by 2 say wuz up and show yo paage some love as well as u!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Hy best buddie suppie 8)
Christina Williams
:D hEY guess what i realized??????????? I don\'t think that have wrote anything on your wall so now i am!!!! Where is the color Icee thiz izn\'t u !!!!!!!!! I need color it\'z dull... anywayz wuz up....i\'m fine :lol: Got 2 go talk 2 you soon......bye
Christina Williams
:lol: Hola Gion. Como esta? Hey Gion wuz up just stop by 2 show yo page some love as well as u :!: :wink:
Christina Williams
:lol: My pic iz so hot like me .........so yeah. I\'M HOT!!!!!!!!! :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Christina Williams
Hy Bre thiz iz yo number 1 b**ch. I\'m just stopp\'n by 2 say hey and 2 be the 1st one on yo wall...see u 2mororw and MUCH LOVE LOVEY :lol: :D
Gionovan Bean
oh yeah...213 baby...better than 204...yeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaea! much luv and hugs... i guess :?:
Christina Williams
:lol: T.O.M
Christina Williams
:lol: I\'m yo 120th viewer and I\'m totally T :D O :D M right now...............................................................YEAH................bYE :lol:
Gionovan Bean
heck yeah... 204...woot woot (sorry maggie)...who is this T.O.M. boy...oh wait... Time...Of...Month...i am soooo sorry for you................ ..............................................................................................................................................................well....................................get well.
Christina Williams
:D Yo pic is soso soso Cute...like u so yea!!!!!!!!Where\'s the color on yo page??? :wink: Love u much
Christina Williams
:D Wow Gion the picture!!!!!!!!! Wait what picture :!: :wink:
Gionovan Bean
Loser....lol...jk...he he he :D

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