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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/queencookie
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courtney sue
Saree Aguilar
hey girl long time no talk what have u been up to lately i miss hangin out well got to go lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ttyl
Saree Aguilar
hey girl long time no talk what have u been up to lately i miss hangin out well got to go lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ttyl
Brittany Davis
Hey How Did You Get That Pic! I Tryed To Make One At That Blingee.com Or W/e But I Cant =P :shock: 8) :roll: :lol:
Brittany Davis
Hey Cookie! How did you get that back ground?? Its kewl. I changed mine... AGAIN! Looks better =P TTYL \"Daughter\" =P
Jazz Davis
hello cookie lol how are you i havent seen u in a long time
jamie ornelas
hey girly why werent you at school 2day????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
jamie ornelas
hey courtney whats up nice pic didnt you put that on your note 4 jeremy? lol :D
hailey high
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN,HOW,HUH :( :cry: :(
courtney sue
waz up
courtney sue
hey you know arika is going out with wesman911 :roll: :cry: :shock: :x :wink: :?: :?: :?: :?: :( :( :( :(
Jazz Davis
If kisses were water, I would give u a sea. If hugs were leaves, I would give u a tree. If LIFE was a planet, I would give u a galaxy. If friendship is life, I would give u mine. \"Worlds Best Friends Week\" Send this to all ur good friends. Even me, if I am one of them. See how many u get back. If u get more than 3 u r really loved.
beth ornelas
hey courtney did u c jamies profile?? well newayz ttyl
beth ornelas
hey courtney this beth jamies sister. :!:
courtney sue
18th August 2007 11:09:26 *Love* Since you opened this. You`ll get kissed by the love of your life on Friday. Unless you break this chain, then you won`t get kissed on Friday. Read this first... dude: I love her more than the air I breath chick: well im always here for you. dude: I know. chick: What\'s wrong? dude: I like her so much. chick: Talk to her. dude: I don\'t know. She won\'t ever like me. chick: Don\'t say that. You\'re amazing. dude: I just want her to know how I feel. chick: Then tell her. dude: She won\'t like me. chick: How do you know that? dude: I can just tell. chick: Well just tell her. dude: What should I say? chick: Tell her how much you like her. dude: I tell her that daily. chick: what do you mean? dude: I\'m always with her. I love her. chick: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he\'ll never like me. dude: Wait. Who do you like? chick: Oh some boy. dude: Oh... she won\'t like me either. chick: She does. dude: How do you know? chick: Because, who wouldn\'t like you? dude: You. chick: You\'re wrong, I love you. dude: I love you too. chick: So are you going to talk to her? dude: I just did. Ignore this, and you`ll be cursed with 20 years of bad relationships. chicks- If you think this is sweet, repost it. dudes- If you are man enough to say this to a chick, repost it

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