Emily Ramsey
Tito is amazing. =]
Emily Ramsey
David... is totally not drunk...
Emily Ramsey
T to the TOE!
Emily Ramsey
Hellllllllo Best Friend. =]
Zach Dellinger
Hi! havn\'t talked to you in a while! What\'s up?
Emily Ramsey
you got a mypriaze.
hope your having a good break!
andrew dippel
okay i will. wuts goin on?? if u dont wana tell me its alright.
Emily Ramsey
thats good you\'ve been good. =) i\'ve been going thru a lot.... i\'m not sure whats going on in my life... i\'m so confused... i could use the prayer, if you don\'t mind...
i hope i see you soon...
andrew dippel
i know its been 4ever. i have been pretty good here. u??
Emily Ramsey
i miss you.
a lot.
i haven\'t talked to you since the fall retreat....
whats going on in your life....?
Emily Ramsey
[b] Wayne.... I MISS YOU....!
Emily Ramsey
thats good to know that i\'m missed. what\'s new with you? I think I need to buy a skateboard, so I can practice a lot! and then the next time I see you; I can show you up big time. =D
haha i love you wayne! and I printed that pic of you when you stole my camara. I have an area1 photo album of all the years i\'ve been in it. it is quite glorious!