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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/riderevans
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Rider Evans
gary plank
i like vans to
Tori Thomas
hey :cry:
lil nance
love the background and the pic :D
stephanie smith
hey i made a new account!! its cRaZy_ChIcK563 add me when it gets activated. :P
jessica mariah
ok the person on chat named kwicker just banned me for no reason i was asking her how come she just banned my frend for no reson and she said it was none of my buissness and i asked how is it not shes my frend and my frend got beatin just kuz kwicker didnt want to answer her and now i gott banned and if u think thsi is a concern plz plz plz repost it and write it to atleats 5 people plz so then everyone will no about it....it is serious an dnothin exept for guilt will be put on u if u dont do anything about it!!!! :shock: :cry:
Chris Barrans
hey man nothing much i am just chillin. i got home from matts house but we walked back all the way to my house in the rain haha
Rider Evans
hey man wats up
Jacqueline Estrada
send this message 2 14 ppl in 143 minutes and then press F6 and ur crushes name will appear
Chris Barrans
dawgy dawg pound you got on again! cool well nothing much what are you up to?
HANNA boyd
Send this to four people you care about of the same sex and the four people you care about of the opposite sex you find attractive. If you get any back you will have completed the circle of love and know that you are LOVED
Rider Evans
wats up man
megan hocker
ur hott i wish u were my boyfriend :( but i live in ohio
lacey don louise
how can u b single lol??!!!
john Cash
hey you are ........

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