Now that is depressing. I must have a title. Why not put a question there, eh?
So how's everyone been these days? It sure has been a while since I've been on mypraize. Indeed it has. There is plenty new with me. What have I done with my entire summer you all are asking me? Well, I'm glad you are so interested. Ha.
I have done plenty, but not really all that much. I haven't done many things, but the things I have done, I have done plenty of. Here's my list...(not in order of importance or time spent)
1.) Work on my website
2.) Work on college stuff (I'm transferring to CSU!!!)
3.) Church (playing on the worship team, worship practices, worship
for youth, church in general)
4.) Hanging out with my most favorite person in the whole
5.) Working on my laptop that has Windows vista (interfacing Vista
with XP and older XP programs is very difficult)
6.) Playing my instruments
7.) Programming (mostly working with my website)
Well, that is about it. Seven things. Man, I've got no life at all. Gee, good thing that I've got one in Jesus. Really, as sarcastic as that sounds, it's true. Through this summer I have come to realize more and more that without him, I would truly be worthless and I would have no reason really to live. Jesus gives us reason to continue. He gives us a purpose. No matter how worthless we feel, we can always come to Him and He will show us how much we are valued to much that He would give (and He did) His life that we might live. God's love and grace is truly something that is literally out of this world (pun intended).
I have been developing my website throughout this entire summer and I have been preparing to move to CSU for college where I will study more to help people with technical issues with their networks and computers all around (major in business information technologies). Finally, about mid-way through the summer, I decided a goal for my website. That is to be a place where Christians can discuss issues or really anything, but to have it also be a place where people can get assistance with their computer problems. I know, two completely differant things. Being a Christian myself, there will never be too many website on the internet where the administration of the company is Christian and he doesn't deny it and gladly accepts Christians in to just be as they are. As for the tech support, that is what I will be doing and it is what I do now. I just want to help out. You all should check out my website. I am looking forward to see you all there. Register for the forum and post a few things.
Wow, that totally looks like an advertisement campaign for my website. Granted, that is what that was in a way. More it was advertisement so I can get lots of people there to get her going again. The more traffic, the more non-Christian viewers the website will get. I'm not aiming for an online Christian community...I'm aiming for an online community. Remember, Be in the world... don't be of it.
The URL to my website is
Well, I do believe that that is it for this blog post. Just because I get a kick out of the phrase, I think I'll say it...Well, that about wraps it up. Everyone have a wonderful day...week...month...or however long it'll be until uhm...naw, you all just have a wonderful time.
God be with you all,