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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/scoobydoo24
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minnie Jackson
yhat will be soo awsome . a wrold for kids amd no grow ups (THINK)
minnie Jackson
i would love it. do u have school?
Casey Hodapp
ohh yeah that would be awsome but tobad the world isnt made that way if it was that would be awsome :lol:
Casey Hodapp
no not yet i am on spring break my school starts back up on monday
minnie Jackson
i would love it. do u have school?
minnie Jackson
i get tired of that 2. its like you really like and say let me get one more. then they would say no.thats hurts my feelings. :cry:
minnie Jackson
that is write
Casey Hodapp
yeah I know it hurts mine to I wish they would let you eat as much chocolate as possible lol that would be cool 8)
Casey Hodapp
yeah really that would be life being able to drink and eat how much pop and candy you want lol that would be really cool 8)
minnie Jackson
o0o. did you have fun
minnie Jackson
i ate alot. chocolate does solve ever thing :lol:
Casey Hodapp
yeah it was ok it was fun because I got to eat alot of Chocolate lol :lol: the chocolate make it fun when there is nothin to do :lol:
Casey Hodapp
chocolate is the best here I hate it when parents say you had to much thow that really stinks they take away your chocolate :lol:
Casey Hodapp
lol me we dont do that much we go to easter mass and that is it we would spend time with relitives but yeah none live here were I live and yeah in MN we would go to Easter mass and brunch and spend time with the family
minnie Jackson
what up :D :) :shock: :cry: :x :lol: 8) :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :(

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