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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/serioushelpneeded
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Kasey Adams
MyPraize Band
saw you were in the stand true group. thought you might appreciate our song \"tolerant\". It deals with how evil (abortion,..) spreads when good men sit by in apathy. God bless!
Courtney Hunt
I\'m a stringed instrument performance minor, and I\'m thinking about majoring in Communications. I haven\'t decided on my major yet. Still waiting for God to show me the next step. :wink:
Kasey Adams
What are you majoring in?
Jacki Mohler
ok lol thats kewl and thanks :D
Kasey Adams
lol i dont need help with anything its just a joke in my family btw welcome to mypraize
Jacki Mohler
Your name is "serioushelp needed" whacha need help with? I'm Jacki btw. I'm a newbe tehehe.... cb love ya peace, love & chicken grease!
Kasey Adams
Hey, whats up?
brittney smith
Hey Im Brittney and who are you? I had a buddy request from you awhile ago so I added you, so whats been up lately... Keepin it real for JESUS, Brittney
brittney smith
I was just on checkin messages...you joined the mission/missionaries group that I started also... are you or have you ever done any mission work... Brittney
Kasey Adams
Hey, who is this?
Kasey Adams
hm thats weird i never sent a buddy request to anybody...but anyways...im Kasey i was just surfin the net trying to find something to do..saw you were on so i figured id say hi..how about you?
Kasey Adams
no but im thinking about becoming a missionary after college so im looking into everything i can find
Kasey Adams
The $1,000,000 Challenge
Michaela Ball
thanks for joining my group anybody have a calling :D

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