The Temple of the Antichrist UK USA Will there be a war between East and West; a war involving Israel, resulting in the building of a Temple in Jerusalem and the rise of a man of peace, the Bible calls the Antichrist and his religious counterpart, the False Prophet? Bestselling author Bob Mitchell (Antichrist, the Vatican and the Great Deception) lifts the prophetic veil on dramatic, major prophetic events taking place right now in Europe and the Middle East. Events that are screaming at us "the end times are here". Today Israel is preparing to build the Third Temple. The building plans for the Temple in Jerusalem have been prepared. The Priests have been trained. The instruments have been created for their use in the coming Temple rituals. The Jewish Sanhedrin have had talks with prominent Muslims to discuss where on the Temple Mount the Temple should be built. The ancient Hebrew prophets warned, Antichrist is coming and will desecrate the new Temple. The early Church Fathers even provided us with the area from which Antichrist will arise. But today, hardly anyone is listening. Just how close are we to his appearance and the return of Jesus Christ in power? The building of the Temple in Jerusalem, the arrival of Antichrist, the return of Jesus Christ and the very last of the Last Days may be much closer than many believe. 192 pages (Illustrated)
The Temple of the Antichrist UK USA Will there be a war between East and West; a war involving Israel, resulting in the buildin…
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Richard kinningIf it is Gods plan nothing will stop it. Not the entire combined effort of the media, not the dictates of world leaders it will happen. But be of good cheer because Christ has overcome the world.
The US Department of Justice report notes the Clinton Foundation was involved in crimes against children, Pope Francis may have helped cover-up sex crimes, and much more! PLEASE NOTE! ALL PROFIT F?
The US Department of Justice report notes the Clinton Foundation was involved in crimes against children, Pope Francis may have helped cover-up sex crimes, and much more! PLEASE NOTE! ALL PROFIT F?
There have been rumors that since the about face of the UAE and Bahrain (as well as Saudi Arabia in a covert manner) that Syria is looking to leave the Iranian orbit and make a shocking peace deal ?
bob mitchell
The Temple of the Antichrist UK USA Will there be a war between East and West; a war involving Israel, resulting in the building of a Temple in Jerusalem and the rise of a man of peace, the Bible calls the Antichrist and his religious counterpart, the False Prophet? Bestselling author Bob Mitchell (Antichrist, the Vatican and the Great Deception) lifts the prophetic veil on dramatic, major prophetic events taking place right now in Europe and the Middle East. Events that are screaming at us "the end times are here". Today Israel is preparing to build the Third Temple. The building plans for the Temple in Jerusalem have been prepared. The Priests have been trained. The instruments have been created for their use in the coming Temple rituals. The Jewish Sanhedrin have had talks with prominent Muslims to discuss where on the Temple Mount the Temple should be built. The ancient Hebrew prophets warned, Antichrist is coming and will desecrate the new Temple. The early Church Fathers even provided us with the area from which Antichrist will arise. But today, hardly anyone is listening. Just how close are we to his appearance and the return of Jesus Christ in power? The building of the Temple in Jerusalem, the arrival of Antichrist, the return of Jesus Christ and the very last of the Last Days may be much closer than many believe. 192 pages (Illustrated)