Studd Muffin
hey,whats going,haven't talked to ya in while
kaylee (EVIDENCE L.
:D hey i have a question :?: Do u listen to radiou or watch tvu :?:
David Lynn
I really don't watch TV or listen to the radio... I sometimes listen to the radio, but not on a regular basis. And the TV is retarded...
kaylee (EVIDENCE L.
i havent talked to u forever how r u :D
kaylee (EVIDENCE L.
i didnt kno wat my praize was and im not on the computer a lot lol :D
Kayla C.
Lol ok that would help.. :D
Kayla C.
lol thats so cool! Why didnt u get a MyPraize a long time ago?
kaylee (EVIDENCE L.
yep im really evidence's twin lol :D
Anna S
hey! got ur comment! :)
kaylee (EVIDENCE L.
hey im the 1st to sign ur wall i feel special
Kayla C.
Hola!! Welcome 2 MyPraize!! So r u really Evidence's twin?
Studd Muffin
Hey,I'm the first one to sign your wall,*woot*