Hey y'all, Sarah speaking.
I went to this really awesome place in Massachusetts (did I spell that right) called Magic Wings, and they have loads of butterflies there. My favorite was this one called a blue morpho. It is very dull and brown on the outside, but on the inside, they are this brilliant, shiny shade of blue and they are so pretty.
They had lots and lots and LOTS of butterflies and they were all fluttering around and landing on you and everything. It was totally awesome. They also had some tiny little birds the size of my fist walking around pecking at the ground.
But, seriously, the butterflies were so cool. We saw swallowtails, and postman butterflies, and rice paper butterflies, and everything.It's amazing to see them all fluttering about. One tiny red, black, and yellow one actually landed on my hand! One girl was walking around with 4 butterflies on her wrists.
As a souveneir I got a luna moth cocoon, which will hatch around June. Luna moths are huge green moths that can feed on their own body fat when there is no other source of food readily available. Look at a picture of one on the Internet. I can't wait until it hatches1
So long! -Sarah